
Howard Johnson

Location: Hudson, Massachusetts U.S.A.

1977    Worcester State College, Worcester Ma.; B.A.: Communications
  1974    School of the Worcester Art Museum, Worcester Ma.; Certificate Certificate of Studies: Fine Art
1989  Worcester Art Museum, Worcester Ma.: Figurative Abstraction based on Chicago School with Jim Nutt

2003 - Present: Retiree, Self Employed Working Artist

Selected Exhibitions

   2025     New England  Visionary Artists Museum, North Hampton Ma. [in progress]

              Colo Colo Gallery, New Bedford  Ma.  [in progress]

   2023     14 Artists/14 Curators: Invitational Student Curated Exh, Instructors Class  assignment. Schitkamp Galley,                          Clark University, Worcester Ma.

                Colo Colo Gallery, New Bedford Ma. NeverEvolution: Solo Exh. 

​   2021     Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg Ma, 85th Regional Exh. showcasing New England Talent and Diversity                               J.R. Uretsky, Curator New Bedford Art Museum, Juror                                                                                                       Take Me To Your Leader”: Grand Opening UFO/Alien/Outworldly Theme Exh. UFO ArtSpace, Maynard Ma.:                            Jerry Beck Curator          

   2020    Bodies: Theme on Human Body: Curated Group Exh., Schitkamp Galley, Clark University, Worcester Ma.

   2018    Phantastrophies: Survey Exhibition Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg Ma., Nick Capasso Director/Curator              

   2017    Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston Ma, Babelations Two Person Show

               Gallery Z and UnchARTed Lowell Ma: Parallels: Large Group Exhibition Installed in Two Galleries

               Colo Colo Callery, Newbedford Ma.: Alien Dispensation and Beyond
2016    Black Lab Gallery, Everett Wa.: Archaeologist of the Extraordinary Everyday III: Invitational of National Artists,

               Anne Marie Grgich: Curator
               Colo Colo Gallery, Newbedford, Ma.: Alien Dispensation
2015    Fitcburg Art Museum, Fitchburg Ma.: Director's Choice; group exhibition. Mary Tinti; Director/Curator.
2014    Worcester Art Museum: Contemporary Art Since !950, Group Exhibition: Susan Stoops, Curator
2013    Fitcburg Art Museum, Fitchburg Ma.: Director's Choice; group exhibition. Nick Capasso; Director/Curator.
2011    Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston Ma.: Humutation two person show
               In Context: Art Here and Now; Worcester Art Museum,Higgins Educational Wing: Annette Lemieux, Juror
2009-2010  Brattleboro  Museum, Barttleboro Vt.: Drawing Itself: A Survey of Contemporary Practice ; group
               exhibition. Mara Williams and Craig Stockwell Curators  
2008   Real Artways, Hartford Ct.: “The Real Party”; invitational fund raiser for the organization
              Hanover Center for the Performing Arts Gallery, Worcester Ma.: Gala Opening show; group exhibition          
2006   Galerie St. Etienne NY,NY Parallel Visions II: Outsider and Insider Art Today: group exhibition
              Feature Inc gallery NY,NY: one of three person exhibition   
              New England College  Henniker, N.H.: invited guest exhibitor
              Trustman Gallery: Simmons College, Boston Ma.: Berkshire Taconic Artists Resource Trust Grant Recipients;                  Group Exhibitioin
              Schiltkamp Gallery at Clark University Worcester, Ma.: Miscreation: group exhibition
              Geofrey Young Gallery Great Barrington, Ma.: Light In August: group exhibition                                        
2005   Decordova Museum, Lincoln Ma.: Best Buys; Museum Purchases, Rachel Lafo Curator: group exhibition
              Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Ma.: Frontiers; Collecting Art of Our Time; Susan Stoops, Curator: group  
2005   Real Artways, Hartford Ct.: “The Real Party”; invitational fund raiser for the organization
2004   Feature Inc Gallery, N.Y., N.Y.: “Itsy Bitsy Spider”; group exhibition
              Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston, Ma.; Enpychophilia: Hexsexus Series,  

              2003  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Ma.: Visions And Revisions: Art on Paper since 1960  Cifford Ackely                         Curator, Group Exh.                  
2002   Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston Ma.: "G-String Theophany; Adoration Series: “1998-2003"
2001   Lillian Immig Gallery: Emmanuel College, Boston Ma.: There's a Monster [overlapping the
              Decordova's Monster Exh.], Cathy Bittetti: Curator; group exhibition
              Decordova Museum, Lincoln Ma.: Terrors and Wonders: Monsters in Contemporary Art;
              group exhibition
              Feature Inc, N.Y., N.Y.: "Another, Once Again. Many Times More": Artists Who Work in  Sequence  
              M du B: F,H&G Gallery, Montreal Quebec; Works on Paper, [Courtesy of  Feature Inc, N.Y., N.Y.]:
              One Person Show
              Dietrtich von Buhler Gallery, Alston, Ma.: Take Cover / Take Over; Artists who work with text; group
2000   Exit Art, N.Y.,N.Y.: Collector's Choice: Nornan Dubrow, Curator [courtesy of Feature Inc, N.Y., N.Y.]:
              group Exhibition
              Feature Inc, N.Y., N.Y.: Grok Terrence Mckenna Dead; group exhibition
              Feature Inc., N.Y.: "Aintings And Rawings"; group exhibition
              Howard Yezerski, Boston Ma.: Band Aid Drawings
1999   Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston Ma.: two group exhibitions
              University Art Gallery at Umass., Dartmouth Ma.: Selections; Works by 15 N.E.F.A. Grant Recipients:
              Lasse B. Antonsen, Curator
1998   Federal Reserve Bank Gallery, Boston Ma.: "Somakatoligion"; Art and Mind Physics: Paul Laffoley
              [ of The Boston Visionary Cell ], Curator
              Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston, Ma.: group exhibition
              Decordova Museum, Lincoln Ma.: Recent Acquisitions
1997   Caren Golden Fine Art, NY,.N.Y.: Frankenstein II; Stuart Horodner, Curator
              Decordova Museum, Lincoln Ma.: 10 Artists 10 Visions; Showcase of New England Talent
              Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield Ct.: Three Visionary Drawers; Richard Klien, Curator
              Gallery at the Distillery, Boston Ma.: The Worcester Exchange; Cathy Bitetti, Curator

   1996   The Renegade Gallery, Providence R.I.: One Person Show
              Real Artways [ R.A.W. ], Hartford Ct.: No England / No Amsterdam, inaugural group exhibition; Doug
              and Mike Starn, Curators
              University of Ill. Arts Center, Normal IIl.: Frankenstein; Stuart Horodner, Horodner / Romley Gallery,
              Curator; group exh.                                                                                                                                                       Mobius  Gallery, Boston, Ma.: The U.F.O. Project; George Fifield of the Video Space Curator
1995 - Annually  Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston Ma.: Other Than Paper and Paper Prayers: Benefit for Aids                               Pediatrics                                      
1993   Artist Foundation Gallery, Boston Ma.: Worse Than Animals; Meditations on Racial Violence
              Gallery Equus, Boston Ma.: Gimme Skelter [ A Soft Apocalypse ]
1991   Limner Gallery, N.Y., N.Y.: two person exhibition
              Outerspace Gallery, N.Y,.N.Y.: Gallery as Church
1990   Helio Galleries, N.Y.,N.Y.: Representations
1989   Helio Galleries, N.Y., N.Y.: Micro-Macro; Ted Castle, Curator
1976   Frank Tanzer Gallery, Boston Ma.: group exhibition
              Isadore Duncan Merle Gallery, N.Y.,N.Y.: group exhibition


  2023​   The Herald News: Review of Never Evolution Exhibition At  Colo Colo Gallery, Don Wilkinson

   2022   Raw Vision Magazine: International Publication on Outsider Art and Art Brut #109. Article on those whom havehad
              Alien, UFO, Out Worldly life changing experiences and memories of friend Paul Laffoley, Author: Michael Bonesteel

​   2021​   Juniper Rag: Magazine on the Arts and Artist; Interview about concepts and artwork with Michelle May, Publisher  

   2018   Raw Vision Magazine, England: Issue 98 Phantastophies Exhibition Advertised

              Boston Globe: In The Galleries: Phantastrohies reviewed, Cate McQuaid

              Artscope Magazine, Boston: Phantastrophies: Online Interview and Review, J Fatima Martins

              Worcester Sunday Telegram: Interview and  Review: Phantastrophies. Nancy Sheehan

              Sentinel and Enterprise Newspaper, Ficthburg Ma on line review of Phantastrophies

   2017   South Coast Today: Review of Alien Dispensation and Beyond Exhibition at Colo Colo Gallery, Don Wilkinson
2016   South Coast Today : Review of Alien Dispensation Exhibition at Colo Colo Gallery, Don Wilkinson
2014   Worcester Sunday Telegram: Contemporary Art Since !950  participant interview
   2006   “Frontiers” sums up one decade and many approaches: The Boston Globe: Arts and Entertainment, Greg Cook,
2004   Itsy Bitsy Spider: Drain , a New York City internet magazine,  Remote Control; review of Feature Inc  exhibition  
2003   The Art of the Curator: Strolling through the M.F.A.’s Visions and Revisions; mentioned,
              The Boston Phoenix; Jon Garelick, Apr. 11
2002   G-String Theophany: Adoration Series at Howard Yezerski; Boston Globe, Cate McQuaid, April 10
2001   “The Terror Within, Decordova exhibit the Monsters Our Minds Create”: The Boston Herald; Joanne
              Silver,  September 21
              Art Guide; Galleries: New York Times, May 4; "Another, Once Again, Many More Times"
2000   Art: The Year in Review: Exhibition at Howard Yezerski, Boston Phoenix, Dec15; Chistopher Mills
1997   Visionary Drawing: Mentioned; Raw Vision Magazine
10 Artists 10 Visions: Boston Phoenix; Christopher Mills, August 1 ~ Boston Sunday Globe; Cate
              Mcquaid, June 29 ~ Lincoln Journal, Shawn Hill, July 3 ~ Worcester Sunday Telegram Datebook,
              Frank Magiera, July 20 ~ Boston Herald, Joanne Silver, August 20 ~ New York Times:
              Mentioned; Art, July 25
              Boston Globe: The Worcester Exchange; Cate McQuaid, January 30
1996   Renegade Roundup: Providence Phoenix; Mike Caitio, August 16
1993   "Artist Foundation Show Explores Racial Violence": Boston Sunday Globe; Nancy Stapen, July 18
              "Are We Worse Tan Animals?": Boston Sunday Globe; Sandy Colemen, July 4


   2018​   Save Notre Dame Des Canadiens Church Award, Worcester Ma.: $250
2015   Arts Worcester Biennial: Sally R. Bishop Award, Best Of Show: $500
2007   Worcester Arts Council Fellowship For Excellence [funded by Ma. Cultural Council]:$5,000
2005   Berkshire Taconic Artist Resource Trust:  Funding Project;  Enpschophilia: Hexsexus Series, $2,500
2002   Massachusetts Cultural Council, Boston Ma.: Category of Drawing,  $12,500;  full recipient
1998   New England Foundation for the Arts [ N.E.F.A.]: Category of Works on Paper, $7,500; full recipient
              as administered through the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Boston Ma.
1994   Arts Lottery Grant: $600 as administered through the Worcester Cultural Commission

Art Fairs/Presentations

   2024​   New Art Center, Boston Ma. Pop'n At The Factory Gala Fund Raiser Auction for Cultural Access Program

  2018   Inquiry: WICN Radio; Phantastropjies: Interview for Exhibition with Mark Lynch and Fitchburg Art Museum                           Director Nick Capsso

              Phatastrophies: Gallery Lecture for the show with Fitchburg Art Museum Director Nick Capasso

              Arts and Ideas with Sue Swinand; Video Gallery Talk for Phantastrophies at Fitchburg Art Museum

              Fitchburg Access TV; Interview for Phantastrophies with Sam Squailia
2014   Inquiry: WICN Radio; Guest Interview with Mark Lynch
2011   Inquiry: WICN Radio; Guest Interview with Mark Lynch
2007   Art Chicago, Chicago Ill.: Howard Yezerski Gallery representing
              Worcester Art Museum: Boston Art Dealers Association, Howard Yezerski Galley representing
2006   Art Basel: Miami Fl., Howard Yezerski Gallery Represnting
2005   Clark University, Department of Visual Arts: Guest Speaker, Visionary Drawing
2003   Inquiry: WICN Radio; Guest Interview with Mark Lynch
1998   Clark University, Department of Visual Arts: Guest Speaker, Visionary Drawing
1997   Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art: Guest Speaker, Visionary Drawing
              Inquiry: WICN Radio; Guest Interview with Mark Lynch
              Decordova Museum: 10 Artists 10 Visions; Exhibitor Lecture Series
              Worcester State College: Guest Speaker, Outsider Art Series

   1996   The Renegade Gallery: Video Documentary: Glen Davis Producer

2011   HESA Inprint Helsinki, Finland: Catalog,  Creation Stories: Drawings from Enpycophilia, Hexsexus Series
2006   Berkshire Taconic Artists Resource Trust Fund: Catalog; The First Ten Years of the A.R.T. Fund
2001   Decordova Museum: Catalog; Terrors and Wonders, Monsters in Contemporary Art
1997   Decordova Museum: Catalog, 10 Artists Ten Visions
              Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art: Visionary Drawings
              Boston Museum of Fine Arts: Prints and Drawing Department

              Boston Public Library: Permanent Collection
              Worcester Art Museum: Prints and Drawing Department
              Decordova Museum: Regional Artists Acquisition Program
              various private collections